Surface Treatment
Quality and environment management
Integrated policy
- Common policy
(1)The Himeji Factory of the Surface Treatment Department in Yoshikawa Kogyo Co., Ltd. established quality and environment policies along with an integrated quality and environment management system. To implement these policies, we set goals that specifically clarify what we will do and will keep track of the progress (PDCA). We will also review their validity every year and endeavor to continuously improve our integrated management system.
(2)We comply with relevant laws, regulations, agreements, and other requirements.
(3)We inform all workers in the factory of the integrated policy through training and workplace communication activities and release it to the public on our website, etc.
- Quality policy
(1)We aim to provide the technologies,prices, lead time, and services that clients demand to advance with them and prosper together based on long-term relationships of trust. To achieve this goal, we first endeavor to collect information from clients (including requests) and clarify what should be improved and developed.
(2)Secondly, we meet these client requirements by making improvements as soon as possible. To accomplish this, the client information shall be reported at the monthly operation meeting and technology and quality meeting where details of improvements and developments are considered and specific promotion methods are determined.
(3)Thirdly, we check the progress of improvement and development at the operation meeting and technology and quality meeting. If human resources, equipment or other resources are not enough to achieve goals, we create strategies to ensure we acquire the required resources and do our best to overcome improvement and development challenges.
- Environment policy
(1)We are always aware of the environmental aspect of our business activities, that is, research and development, sales, manufacturing and technical services, and promote the prevention of environmental pollution.
(2)We make our best efforts to contribute to the preservation of the natural environment through our business activities centered around surface treatment (modification and restoration).
①We endeavor to improve and develop more advanced surface treatment technologies to further contribute to reduction in resource and energy consumption by prolonging the material life through modification and reusing parts through restoration.
②We endeavor to reduce general waste and industrial waste and properly dispose of them.(3)We endeavor to improve the work environment by promoting organization, arrangement, cleaning, cleanliness, discipline, and maintenance activities across the factory. We create a safe reliable work environment and contribute to the local community as a company trusted by clients through these activities. We appoint a manager as the person responsible for managing the integrated management system and delegate the responsibility and authority to establish, complete, and maintain necessary processes, manage goals, and follow up on the progress to promote the integrated management system.
April 1, 2022
Koji Ikeuchi, Factory Manager
Thermal Spray Plant, Treatment & Maintenance Department Yoshikawa Kogyo Co., Ltd.