Safety Yoshikawa

We are in potential danger! Stay alert at every moment.

Occupational safety and health are at the core of our management. We build a conducive working environment that embodies our mindset as a company known for safety.

Z flag

At every workplace, Yoshikawa Kogyo puts out a green cross flag with a safety reminder written on it. Employees call it the Z flag. It reminds employees to enhance safety in practice.

Safety training and awareness activities

At each workplace, training and activities are conducted to enhance safety awareness.

Safety and health management policy

Basic approach

Seek to eliminate occupational accidents by ensuring that every one of us adheres to basic rules and conduct and puts safety first in all phases of operations.


Adhere to basic rules and conduct

Eliminate occupational accidents by putting safety first

—Improvement of workplace climate


Adapt to new environments and eliminate occupational accidents with creativity and ingenuity

Key activities

1. Create a safety-first workplace climate.
  1. Factory forepersons and other senior managers lead by example to instill a safety-first policy among workers.
  2. Factory forepersons and other senior managers engage in thorough discussions with workers to identify and swiftly address risks, and monitor progress in a clearly visible manner.
  3. Create an environment to protect and develop inexperienced workers.
  4. Create simple and easy-to-do standard safe operation procedures.


2. Build capacity among employees to adhere to basic rules and conduct.
  1. Make everyone understand why they must follow the rules.
  2. Sharpen sensitivity to predict risks through “point-and-call” checks and toolbox meetings.
  3. Improve working environments by wider practice of 3S activities.
  4. Use a new perspective through “compatibility patrols”.
  5. Make everyone recognize the importance of the initial response and check their understanding.


3. Expand training on occupational safety and health.
  1. Build up capabilities by enhancing training for factory forepersons and other senior managers.
  2. Sharpen safety awareness through VR danger experience training in all groups.
  3. Enrich training by leveraging web tools.


4. Promote mental and physical health.
  1. Promote preventive measures against infectious diseases such as COVID-19, as well as heat stroke.
  2. Monitor employee health to ensure they receive the necessary mental or physical care.
  3. Frequently check stress levels among employees for proper mental healthcare.


5. Promote traffic safety.
  1. Ensure adherence to traffic rules and prevent traffic accidents.
  2. Eradicate drunk driving.


6. Create a medium-term safety and health activity plan.
  1. Develop dedicated safety and health leaders according to a three-year plan.
  2. Enhance safety and health tools leveraging AI and DX through internal and external collaboration and perform other activities.